E3 – Wiz

Enablement session with our partner, Wiz

Cloud Security Overview

Cloud Security has been a critical area of focus for IT, product, and cybersecurity teams for multiple years now. It has also been an area that continually gets more complicated, and as a byproduct, misunderstood. The reasons for this are many, but among the chief of these reasons are evolving cloud platforms, additional security capabilities introduced by new and developing vendor solutions, and shifting business and threat landscapes that change at inconsistent rates and with differing levels of volatility.

FinOps Services Overview

FinOps is an evolving cloud financial management discipline, with the goal of enabling organizations to manage costs while maintaining business agility. The decentralized nature of cloud can make it hard to track spend, and many organizations end up paying more than they expect. EVOTEK helps organizations implement a cost operation model in line with industry best practices so that they can see, manage, and trust their cloud spend.

FinOps Services – Sales Enablement Session

This sales enablement session will be on our FinOps Services offering. Join Al Diaz, Amy Strader, and Bill Justman for a quick dive into the basics of this offering, the business challenges it can fix, and who it benefits.