How Does the Current Tension with Iran Impact my Security Program?

Security programs never operate in a vacuum, nor are they isolated from external or internal events. Too frequently, however, security leaders are blindsided by events that are fundamentally out of their control. Their organization acquires a new company, and security is asked to provide due diligence after the fact. Marketing launches a new program that collects […]
Who Would Have Ever Thought That Tutus Were Integral to Cybersecurity?

January 17th marked EVOTEK’s inaugural Security Summit. Held at the beautiful L’Auberge Del Mar, the Summit featured three important tracks that offered participants the opportunity to share best practices and collaborate with fellow security leaders and practitioners across domains that include application security, security operations, data governance & the role of security leadership. Chris Roberts, Chief […]
The Power of Community

Here at EVOTEK, we have built a cybersecurity team led by Macy Dennis, Matt Shufeldt, and Matt Stamper. We have attracted talented employees and loyal customers across the technology stack inside the data center and outside in the cloud, but most importantly it is the combination of our employees, clients, and partners that makes us a community with the […]
Our Road to a Billion

I started writing this article back in January 2019, with the intention of publishing immediately following our Innovation Summit held in Miami. During our opening session (and following my karaoke performance of the Humpty Dance), I shared with the company, my view of our road to a billion dollars in revenue. So, why did I wait to publish this […]
Happy Birthday EVOTEK!

Yes, 5 years has past… How many 5-year old companies can claim to have over $200M in bookings? How many of those did it without gobs and gobs of venture money? How many of those can claim 4-years in a row to be recognized for culture? Or received over 2 dozen prestigious industry awards? Should […]
“Fate, it seems, is not without its sense of irony”

I saw the 20th year anniversary showing of The Matrix in the theater a few weeks back with my wife. The movie is credited both as one of the greatest confirmations of conspiracy theories of all time, as well as the birth of revolutionary technology that now is commonly used every day. Working in tech, I remember […]
The last job you will ever have

When the Seigle family moved to Las Vegas back in 2005, we had no idea how long we’d be in town. We came here to explore opportunities in what was then a boomtown, and I was excited to be living and working in the epicenter of hospitality technology. Well, we’re still here almost 15 years […]
Is there too much choice in cybersecurity?

With Black Hat and DEF CON coming up and this year’s RSA Conference and Gartner’s Security & Risk Management Summit completed, I wanted to reflect on an odd dynamic we face in security, one made all the more poignant for CISOs who have walked the exhibit halls of these conferences. We have an abundance of […]
Speaking up Against Corporate Bullies: Part I

Thank you to everyone that reached out. I received numerous messages last week and it speaks volumes to how broad our support base is….it means the world to me. With that, I decided it was worth sharing what compelled me to post what I did last week. Because, for me I was fine….but, metaphorically, that was […]
Technology in the Shape of You

I recently watched a TED Talk by Marc Kushner on how technology and social media have connected the general public to architects and how it has enabled a closed feedback loop for their business. Marc highlights a pendulum that swings between innovation and symbolism that has been accelerated to a blur through technology. so much so that […]